TAU Performance System ǀ Sameer Shende, University of Oregon/ParaTools, Inc.

Putting it all together: One perspective ǀ Smith and Shephard, RPI

HPC I/O Principles ǀ Phil Carns, Argonne National Laboratory

A Brief History of NAMD (and VMD) | James Phillips, University of Illinois, U-C

Interconnects ǀ Ken Raffenetti, Argonne National Laboratory

Acceleration of unsteady PDE constrained optimization under PETSC/TAO

PETSc Portable, Extensible Tookit for Scientific Computing | Barry Smith, Argonne

Burst Buffer Hands on Tutorial ǀ Jialin Liu, NERSC

Network Architecture Trends Argonne | Pavan Balaji, Argonne National Laboratory

Portability and Performance with Task-Based Frameworks – Uintah | Martin Berzins, University of Utah

Hardware/Software Co-Design for Extreme-Scale Systems ǀ Ron Brightwell, Sandia National Laboratory

Data Models with MPI-IO ǀ Robert Latham, Argonne National Laboratory

Numerical Optimization using PETSc/TAO ǀ Munson and Zhang, Argonne National Laboratory

8/7/18- Data Science & Applications in Exascale World

Intuitive Performance Engineering at the Exascale With TAU, TAU Commander | John Linford, ParaTools

Volumetric Snapshot 3D Imaging ǀ Nicola Ferrier, Argonne National Laboratory

Power Technologies and Techniques for Debugging HPC Applications ǀ Bill Burns, Rogue Wave Software

Programming Models for HPC | Marc Snir, Argonne National Laboratory

Architecture of the Argonne Cray XC40 KNL System 'Theta' ǀ Scott Parker, Argonne National Laboratory

Spack, Software, and Sustainable Communities in HPC ǀ Todd Gamblin, LLNL

Trace Compass ROCm Tracing Demo

ODE/DAE Integrators and Nonlinear Solvers ǀ Barry Smith, Argonne National Laboratory

Python for High Performance Computing | William Scullin, Argonne National Laboratory

Debugging and Profiling HPC Applications ǀ Ryan Hulguin, ARM